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FAO expects 70% more food needed by 2050
Originalmeldung von AllAboutFeed.net | Niederlande
Original-URL: http://www.allaboutfeed.net/news/fao-expects-70p-more-food-needed-by-2050-12489.html?cmpid=NLC|AllAboutFeed.net|01-dec-2011|FAO%20expects%2070%%20more%20food%20needed%20by%202050
Original-URL: http://www.allaboutfeed.net/news/fao-expects-70p-more-food-needed-by-2050-12489.html?cmpid=NLC|AllAboutFeed.net|01-dec-2011|FAO%20expects%2070%%20more%20food%20needed%20by%202050
Food production will need to rise by 70%, relative to 2009 levels, by 2050 as the world's population is expected to reach 9 billion people, FAO, the United Nations food body, in Rome said, in its new report on land and water challenges...