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41 Swedish plant scientists speak out against harmful EU regulation of modern plant genetics
Originalmeldung von David Tribe, BioFortified | USA
Original-URL: http://www.biofortified.org/2011/10/41-swedish-plant-scientists-speak-out-against-harmful-eu-regulation-of-modern-plant-genetics-methods/
Original-URL: http://www.biofortified.org/2011/10/41-swedish-plant-scientists-speak-out-against-harmful-eu-regulation-of-modern-plant-genetics-methods/
Quasi-science prevents an environmentally friendly agriculture and forestry
European legislation in the field of genetic engineering is so narrow that it blocks the ability of researchers to take progress from publicly funded basic research on plants through to practical applications. We, 41 scientists who have received funding for basic research on plants from the Swedish Research Council, urge politicians and environmental groups to take the necessary steps to change the relevant legislation so that all available knowledge can be used to develop sustainable agricultural and forest industries.
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